Apprenticeship at Kemmer
Apprenticeship as a metal worker – specializing in construction technology – at Kemmer.
We have been training apprentices since the 1970s. If you would like to learn the profession of a metal worker – specializing in construction technology – in a great team, please feel free to apply!
The apprenticeship lasts 3 ½ years, but can be shortened if the level of performance is appropriate.
The weekly vocational school lessons take place in Constance, the inter-company training in Singen am Hohentwiel.
Both schools are very easy to reach by public transport.
For the start of apprenticeship 01.08.2022 we offer a vacant apprenticeship position
You should have the following characteristics
- Technical understanding
- Ability to work in a team
- The willingness to think along
- Engagement
- Reliability
- Punctuality
- Good manners towards colleagues and customers
What can you expect from us?
- a well-founded apprenticeship
- adequate wages
- Activities in a diversified environment
- A nice team
Application documents
Please send your application with the usual documents (cover letter, photo, curriculum vitae and most recent school reports) to:
or alternatively to our address:
Kemmer Edelstahlschlosserei GmbH
Böhringerstrasse 39/1
78315 Radolfzell
(Unterlagen werden von uns nicht zurück geschickt)
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